Instant party patio done by artificial hedge wall
Summer is always a very hard period for people to enjoy themselves due to harsh temperature and strong UV, while it is also a nice free and crazy time for people to carry on vacation, recreational activities like gathering for a party, barbeque, summer weddings and other outdoor events. To make things easier for those who do not want to travel far, a considerately and carefully arranged patio with artificial hedge wall can make most of foregoing events true, and to bring artificial hedges to the patio, extra impressive and everlasting green signt is also brought there, a instant vibrant and fresh greenery patio is ready for the hot summer.

With the artificial hedge wall in the patio, personal privacy can be perfectly protected, no worry about passer-bys peeping or disturb.
Some hot artificial hedges for patio green wall building,

Item # : G0602A001

Item # :G0602A002

Item # :G0602A005