
Applications of artificial hedge-see where artificial hedges are used

Applications of artificial hedge

From http://www.artificial-hedge.net/product/application-of-artificial-hedge.html

Artificial hedge, as a kind of instant artificial plant hedge, is perfect for decoration and privacy
 protection in residential and commercial areas. Generally, artificial hedges have the following  applications,
1)For fencing decoration. Artificial hedge can be attached to fencings like privacy fence, 
aluminum fencing, pool fencing, Semi-Private Fences, etc., to change the dull fencing into 
 nice impressive one.
2)For railing decoration. Railing for Decks, Stairs, Porches, Balconies can be decorated 
by artificial hedge, artificial hedges can make these areas stand out.
3)For wall decoration. Artificial hedges, especially artificial leaf hedge can be used as wall
 covering, artificial leaf hedge is produced according to vines outward appearance like ivy, 
grape vine and its leaf. So if you want to make wall covered by greenery in short time, 
artificial hedge can be your best and money-saving deal! And those artificila vine need
 no watering or fertilizer.
4)For corridor design. Artificial hedge can be considered when landscape corridor.

5)For bad scenery design covering. Artificial hedge can be used to cover bad exposed 
scenery in public place, for example, artificial hedge can be used to cover naked public
 upright stone slab and the nice artificial hedge will make it stand out.
6)Artificial Hedge can help set up shady and cool shelter that is far away from strong sunshine.
 For example, you can attach nice artificial hedge to balcony railings so that the strong rays
 of sun can be stopped entering your balcony.
To see more artificial hedges for decoration and privacy protection, please click ALL ARTIFICIAL HEDGES

